Saturday, July 31, 2010

31 Days to Build a Better Home

I'm joining the task of 31 Days to Build a Better Home at Today's Houswife. (Thanks to Amber at Half is More Than Enough for posting this and bringing it to my attention!)

The kids and I are traveling to my parents' farm tomorrow and will be gone for five days. I am looking forward to the time away from the city, the crowds, the noise, and (gasp!) even the internet (as my folks don't have internet 'em!) So I'll miss posting the first few days of August but I'm looking forward to hitting the challenge at the end of the week - refreshed, renewed and energized! (Or perhaps completely drained and cranky from traveling by myself with a toddler and carsick preschooler). Either way, see you in a few days!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are joining in! DH's parents live on 50 acres in a small town roughly 45 minutes from the city ... we LOVE going to "the farm" too!!
