Thursday, July 29, 2010

What kind of cook am I?

Is this telling of the kind of cook I am (or apparent failure of a cook)?

I was wiping down the kitchen the other day when my 3-year-old daughter came into the room. She loves to help and wanted to know what she could do. So I gave her a dishrag and told her to wipe down the front of the dishwasher, which she did. Then I told her to wipe down her and her brother's chairs. Which she happily did. Then I told her to wipe down the front of the stove. She looked at me, perplexed, and asked, "What's the stove?" I said, "It's that that big white square thing where Mommy stands and does her cooking." So my daughter turns and starts wiping down the microwave.

Kids...gotta love 'em.

For more Friday Fails, please visit Myra's blog My Blessed Life.